Healthy Winter Soups to Warm You Inside & Out

Winter has settled in and this year in Northern California we are having the first really cold winter in years. The days are cold and the evenings are colder. It seems overwhelming day after day to come up with healthy and hearty meals to feed the family. I love cooking a big pot of soup and serving it for dinner on these wintery nights. Add some delicious crusty wheat bread, cornbread or high fiber bran muffins and a big salad and you have the perfect meal. Not only will your family love any of these four soups below…your budget will love the low cost and you will be supporting your new year’s resolution to eat healthier in 2016. Here are 4 of the Growing Weisser family’s favorite winter soups.

Italian Kale and White Bean Soup


Skinny Vegetable Minestrone Soup

Smoked Paprika Chickpea and Chard Soup

Vegetable Delight Lentil Soup

What are your favorite winter soups?

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