Have Fun With Your Significant Other!

Do you have someone special to share your life with?! If you do, you know how important it is to carve out time together regularly.

A great way to spend time together is to do an activity. Pick something you have in common and join a group, club, gym, etc. to schedule that regular time doing something together.

My husband and I love fitness, so we bought a Groupon to take kettlebell classes together. The fun part about this is he has experience and I don’t–so he gets to be the “expert” of sorts, sharing something he enjoys as I learn the ropes (or should I say “swings” since we are talking about kettlebells).


It is fun to break out of the normal date routine of movies and dinner and share an experience together. I am getting to learn more about one of my husband’s passions, while also doing something I love–fitness!!

What do you and your husband do together? What activity would you choose?

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