Getting to Know Coach JT Ayers

Summer of 2002, my second oldest daughter began dating a young co-ed from college. They had met on a mission trip in Mexico during spring break. He comes from a great family, awesome parents and two younger brothers. The Fall of that same year, during those early “dating days” we had the privilege of spending a day in Disneyland with them all, and everyone of us came away from that day excited to see what the future would hold. Flash forward to the summer of 2004 and we had the blessing of giving away our daughter in marriage to an exceptionally awesome young man-JT Ayers.


Here are JT’s words in a short bio, “Born to good parents. Jesus found me at 19. Met a girl 6 months later. Married her. Found my purpose in teaching and coaching. 10 years later have 4 kids. Sojourning to build a legacy.”

Bethany’s words, “JT is what you can call an influencer. He is determined, passionate, enthusiastic, and a visionary. From the moment I met him years ago, I was excited to have him as part of the family. He has led the way for his family to pursue abundance in Christ.  He seeks to pursue more and more of Christ in his role as a father, husband, and in his job. He won’t settle for anything less than more. More love. More joy. More freedom. And more truth. JT is a great example to so many, and makes so many people feel important. As a coach, teacher, discipler, mentor, father, and husband, he continues to influence the world one person at a time.”

His wife describes him, “JT Ayers is husband and best friend to Jess; daddy of 4 kids, 5 and under; coach, mentor, teacher, and leader to hundreds of high school students and professionals; deacon, commissioned pastor, and community group leader at the Village Church of Irvine. Jt is my best friend and my hero; he’s a loving husband, a fun and involved daddy, and a humble follower of Jesus; he inspires his athletes, students, and business professionals to be the best people they can be by his example of leadership, integrity, and love of life. I’m honored and blessed to be his wife.”

Rachel describes him, “JT pursues every task with passion. He has incredible energy for helping others and sharing the love of Jesus in everything he does. His excitement is contagious and he is a great leader for his family, his students, and his athletes.

Bekah says, “I remember when Jt first came into our lives. Adding a boy to the mix added quite a different dimension but it was definitely fun! Jt has just as much energy and passion as that first day we met him! It has been pretty awesome to be apart of his life and family and journey and I am excited to see where his passion for the Lord and coaching takes him in the future!”

JT is a young man of strong character and his life motto is his purpose statement, “I am trusting God to use my strengths to Train, Disciple, Encourage, Motivate, and Develop my wife, children, assistant coaches, and athletes to become mature and disciplined Christians who internalize the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

We asked JT about a few of his favorite things and here are his responses:
Favorite food-I really enjoy large messy burritos.
Favorite dessert-My wife’s cookies. They are unbelievably good.
It is not uncommon for me to sit down and eat 7-8 of those delicious treats
One thing you can’t live without-Jesus
Favorite book-Fiction – The Winner by David Baldaccio,anything by Vince Flynn
Non-Fiction – Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
Favorite Bible verse-Psalm 27:1

I consider it a privilege to have a son-in-law who is using his gifts and talents to influence people. He is a fantastic coach and anointed leader. I am amazed as I watch him lead his family and work to develop leadership qualities in his children at a young age. His devotion to my daughter and their four beautiful children brings joy to my heart.

IMG_2886For the rest of this week we will be sharing with you how JT’s passion for leadership development became a reality. Come back tomorrow to learn about JT’s website and you can enter our giveaway for a chance to win a book about leadership, written by one of his favorite authors.

Who has made a significant impact on your life and encouraged you to use your leadership qualities to influence others?

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