From the Heart-Bible Verse Memory Card Holder

I have been reading the book I recommended a few weeks ago, The Well Versed Family, by Caroline Boykin, and was inspired to make my grandkids a bible verse memory card holder. Believe it or not, I do remember the days of trying to keep all four girls organized, papers in the proper place, backpacks ready for school each morning and the deep desire to make memorizing bible verses a top priority. We were fortunate to have the girls in a school where hiding God’s word in your heart was part of the curriculum and our home church, youth groups and Awana clubs emphasized that important skill as well. So I felt like I had the support from many angles. As I was reading this book I came to the awareness that even without the support from school, church or clubs, you can develop a great system in your own home for helping your kids learn God’s word by memorizing bible verses together as a family. So I decided to help my daughters from the organizational angle and encourage my grandkids in their pursuit of hiding God’s word in their heart. thus the Bible Verse Memory Card Holder idea described below. I will describe how to make one and you can double or triple the supplies if you plan on making more than one.

Supplies needed
scraps of fabric-you need two squares 12×12 inchesIMG_1563
1 piece of notebook or construction paper to make your heart pattern
letter stencil for 2-3 inch alphabet
1 package of Warm White cotton battingIMG_1571
1 small piece of clear vinyl fabric
small square of felt
small piece of Wonder Under (one side fusible one side removable paper) or Stitch Witchery (double sided fusible material)
12 inches of grosgrain ribbon
Iron and ironing board

Cut a heart pattern out of your construction paper.
Cut two hearts out of fabric. (Remember some of my pictures show making 3 hearts at once)IMG_1564
Cut two hearts out of Warm White batting.
Iron felt square onto fusible side of Wonder Under.IMG_1567IMG_1566
If using Wonder Under, trace stencil backwards onto back of felt covered with Wonder Under.
If using double sided fusible Stitch Witchery, cut letter stencil of first initial or whole name (not backwards) out of paper scraps and then trace letters on both felt and Stitch Witchery.
Cut letters out of felt fused to Wonder Under.
Cut piece of clear vinyl 3 ¾ x 5 ¾ inches
Have ribbon handy.
Take one of the cut out hearts and place vinyl rectangle on heart to create an easy access pocket and pin in place.IMG_1576
Place letter(s) in position so they will not interfere with the vinyl pocket that you will make.IMG_1572
Sew three sides, leaving top open on the pocket. Use a basting stitch and go slowly as vinyl tends to bunch and move.
Iron on your letters, making sure not to iron over the vinyl.
Place your heart from piece on top of two layers of cotton batting and place the remaining heart on the back. Make sure both sides of your heart fabric are facing right sides out.
Slip the ribbon in place between two pieces of batting at the middle of each heart rounded top.
Pin ribbon in place and pin entire heart securely so it will all stay in place as you sew.
Put sewing machine on wide zigzag and sew all the way around the heart.
Viola, you have a heart shaped 3×5 card holder that can hang on a door knob, a bed post or be pinned up anywhere in your home. You can write the memory verses on 3×5 cards and change whenever you child is ready for a new verse.IMG_1577


Enjoy helping your child HIDE GOD’S WORD IN HIS/HER HEART!

What organizational tips do you have to share that you have used to help your kids memorize bible verses?

Kerry Signature48