Finding Peace Through Healthy Living

Over the past year and a half I have found a place of peace by making health a priority. Not only have healthy choices had a physical effect of peace, but knowing that I am making positive choices has the effect of mental peace. Our bodies are a precious gift from God and should be taken care of. We should not obsess over food and exercise and outward appearance, but we can and should care about our health.


One way I have found peace through healthy living is with exercise. Mayo clinic lists the top 7 benefits of regular exercise as weight control, combating disease and illness, improving mood, boosting energy, better sleep, improved intimacy, and FUN.

Another way I have found peace through healthy living is in healthy friendships. Jim Rohn states, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So choose to spend time with people that support and encourage your healthy habits. You will have accountability AND friendships based on healthy shared interests are fun and likely to last.

One of the most important ways I have found peace in my health is through nutritional cleansing. Nutritional Cleansing provides a solution for environmental impurities we cannot avoid and nutrient deficiencies in our food. Knowing that I am helping my body detoxify itself and nourishing my body as I strive for long term health gives me such peace as I navigate a busy life and learn to be a healthy role model for my family. As a parent, we have so much responsibility in our children’s health. I want to show my girls how to make healthy choices and live the way God designed us – happy and healthy. Feeling great and having energy is such a source of peace and something I want for everyone in my life.

When we have peace about our health we can see how fun it is to live the lives God designed for us. We can enjoy our food, enjoy working out, and know that health is a journey and we can continually learn and try new things.

What is your favorite way to live healthy? How do you find peace through healthy living?

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