Family to the Rescue

Living in DEPENDENCE on God is the way to enjoy abundant life. Difficult circumstances amplify my awareness of God’s presence. I am reminded of God’s strength when I am tired and weak. I am encouraged by His closeness and His faithfulness to me when I am struggling.  The BEST “life lessons” are often learned in the midst of the toughest trials.

I love the anticipation of the summer months, being out of my normal routine of commitments and obligations. This June/July was slated to be a fun filled summer of birthday celebrations and hanging out with kids, grand kids and extended family and friends.I was definitely not expecting the physical trial that began for me 6 weeks ago. I am so grateful for my loving family. They became God’s hands and feet to demonstrate love and service and sacrifice to me in my time of need.

At the beginning of June I experienced my first incapacitating back injury and I could not have survived it without my family. I have been amazed at their willingness to drop everything to help in any way they could. Calls to check on me, FaceTime dates to entertain me and help me pass the time while I recovered and putting up with all the things I haven’t been able to do for the past month-cooking, cleaning, laundry, driving and holding my grand babies. And most importantly they have all been praying for me and prayers have helped more than anything. The first week I could not be left alone. I had to crawl around the house to get anywhere and sitting up was impossible so I spent all my time on my back on the floor with my legs propped up on pillows or on a chair. My sweet husband served me daily, my daughter, Bekah, shortened her visit in So-Cal to come during that first difficult week to attend to my every need (her husband came a few days later and pitched in with the shopping, cooking and cleaning) and my mom came over to keep me and Bekah company the first long Saturday while my hubby was at work. Week two and three, I was able to attend the two grand 60th birthday surprise parties for my husband that I had been planning for months. Week four, I was able to help watch the Ayers’ grand babies during an in-law family wedding so that our daughter Jess and her husband could enjoy the festivities. Week five, we had a modified version of Weisser Summer Family Camp, including a wonderful Fourth of July celebration with our extended family. My other daughters, Rachel and Bethany, helped in every way they could including cooking and cleaning everything this past week to make our family camp as fun as ever!!!IMG_2966IMG_2934IMG_2980The son-in-laws helped care for grand babies at the park and in the swimming pool and they washed dishes every night. So thanks to my family, my month of fun was not cancelled, only modified. Thanks to my family, my month of recovery was full of distractions and encouragements and prayers. I literally do not know how I would have survived without all the help.

Although my doctors and Physical Therapists told me that it would be a long and slow recovery….I did not actually believe it would take me so long to be back to my regular pace of life. I have been humbled and have learned first hand to have more compassion for people with chronic pain. I have struggled with wondering what lessons I am supposed to be learning from this experience…I know it has something to do with learning how to ask for what I need and allowing people to serve me.

What difficult experience has challenged you and helped you learn lessons for life that you may not have been able to learn another way?

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