Eat Clean for April

Happy first day of April, and first day of our eat clean challenge. I am so excited to focus on nourishing foods for myself and my family and to start some life-long healthy habits. Our family has always been into health, but with the growing issues of toxins in our food and environment, gaining health savvy has never been more important.


Making changes of any kind are only going to stick if you have your mindset ready and willing to accept change. What do I mean? You can just say you are going to do something and hope it sticks. No! You need to write down your goals, looks at them every day, and assess and evaluate your progress.

Here’s my challenge for you: Every morning when you wake up set an intention for the day. What is ONE (only one) thing you can do to move you toward your health goal. Is is something you are going to do, something you are going to not do, something you will think or say to yourself? Write it down. Commit to that one thing for the day. Keep a journal of your daily “thing” for the whole month of April and keep track of how you do. Share your progress with us on social media and be sure to tag us in your post!


Here’s to the next month of the rest of our lives!!

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