
I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a women’s retreat last weekend. The main speaker, Dr. Rosalie de Rosset, a literature professor at Moody was incredibly intriguing and her messages were both challenging and enlightening. She wrote a book called “Unseduced and Unshaken” and her messages to us were a few of the foundational principles from her book. I was extremely challenged by her first talk on “Dignity”. She started by asking us some serious questions….

What kind of woman and I?
What am I becoming?
What do I want to be?
How does dignity fit in?

Dignity is defined as nobility or elevation of character, conduct or speech indicative of self-respect, a sign or token of respect. Our speaker described dignity by using a well known character found in the classic novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre is a perfect picture of dignity. “A formidable self-possessed young woman with a fully realized, detailed moral sensibility.” Formidable means forceful, powerful, causing great respect, even fear. Self-possessed means having or showing control of one’s feelings and behavior especially when under pressure.

A dignified woman is a woman of great convictions, humble, spirited and honest. She stands up for what she believes in and is willing to stand when everyone else is bending and compromising to the whims of a changing culture. A woman of dignity thinks rationally and exhibits self-respect and chooses righteous behavior in the midst of temptation. A dignified woman lives above her emotions and uses objective truth, a conviction of faith and critical thinking with her sound mind when making decisions. She has a deep commitment to a solid foundation of faith and finds her value from her relationship with God.

A dignified woman knows that ALL of her choices MATTER! There is NO NEUTRAL. I was challenged by this realization. I want to live as a woman of conviction. I want to be a woman of influence. I want to listen to the voice of God and believe the truths of who I am in Christ.

What kind of woman am I? I am a Christ follower, I am loyal, honest and passionate about my faith.
What am I becoming? As I grow in my faith, I want to become a “Proverbs 31 woman”-clothed in strength and dignity, smiling without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25).
What do I want to be? I want to be an influencer, have a voice and reflect my love and commitment to God in every aspect of my life.
How does dignity fit in? When I think of dignity, a few amazing women pop into my mind…those women are honest, gentle and compassionate, kindhearted and have a sincere willingness to care for others. They are strong in character, women of conviction. These women are my heroes. I want to be that kind of woman to others.

What kind of woman do you want to be and how does DIGNITY fit into your picture of yourself?

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