Developing Faithfulness in Friendship

Faithfulness in friendship is a gift! How many of us truly cherish the friends we have that are willing to risk loving us? It is costly to love someone enough to open up our heart, to be vulnerable, to let them in. But the risk is totally worth it because the benefits are life changing! Love takes grace and forgiveness. Faithful friendship take commitment. Commitment can be inconvenient. But we need friends, friends who will listen to us share our hearts, challenge us to be better wives and mothers…..people who hang in there when we are struggling and show us compassion when we are hurting. “We deeply want to have our people. Close friends and mentors don’t fall in our laps. You search and invest and then you allow them to be imperfect versions of what you were hoping for in your head. Most of us are waiting to be invited, waiting to be pursued, waiting for friends to come to us. But this is not the way it happens.” (quote from a book by Jennie Allen called Restless) We need to take action. Pursue friendships with a passion, show kindness, patience, meekness, humility, gentleness, compassion and selfless willingness to serve. (Colossians3:12-15)

Love is action. Initiate deep conversations by asking great questions, actively listen and give honest answers. Share your struggles, ask for wise counsel and listen when advice is given. Pray together with your close friends as this habit takes your friendship to an even deeper level! So ask God for insight and discernment as you seek out faithful friends. Pray for guidance. Ask deep questions. Share your own struggles. Think of ways you can meet the needs of your friends.

Today I witnessed the blessings that come from faithful friendship. Bethany invests in people. She is willing to take risks with people. She is intentional in developing deep abiding friendships. God has given her leadership skills and a huge heart for serving people. As we gathered this weekend, we celebrated the upcoming birth of her baby boy due in August. The room was filled with family and friends whose lives have been blessed by Bethany as she has invested in them by sharing her time and her love. One our special friends made the beautiful cake for the shower…thanks Bevin of



One of our friends hosted the party and did a beautiful job with every detail honoring Bethany…thanks Megan!!! FullSizeRender

FullSizeRender-3All 5 girl cousins, 3 aunties and Gammie were together to celebrate Baby Boy Wilkes!

Initiate friendships.
Be the kind of friend you are looking for.
Ask great questions.
Show love and concern for your friend’s life.
Listen actively.
Share your joys and your struggles.
Ask for wise counsel from your friends.
Listen when advice is given.
Be willing to be a selfless servant.

“God’s economy makes beautiful exchanges. As we give, we grow. Seek risks and uncomfortable things. You do not risk like a fool; you are wisely investing in the only two things that will not die; God and people’s souls” (also from Jennie Allen’s book, Restless).

What new action can you try or what risk can you take in friendship that will help develop faithfulness in your friendships?

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