Deep Friendship-Worth the Wait

You are important!
You are significant!
You make a difference!!!
Why do we spend so much of our life having a critical spirit towards ourselves? We all want to be part of a community…… be invited…we all want to be loved…we all want to belong… But where are we looking for our belonging? Most of us have felt the sting of feeling left out, being rejected, feeling uninvited.
This week I have had the privilege of connecting with some quality women with whom I have been connected for between 25-35 years. We have so many shared memories and an unspoken commitment of loyal friendship and trust. We share the gift of sisterhood in Christ and a deep abiding sense of being bonded together for a purpose larger than ourselves.image

Recently I listened to an interview with Lysa TerKeurst and she was sharing about her newest book called Uninvited. I loved her candid open approach and how she discussed things that are on the mind and in the hearts of so many women today.
How many of us have experienced rejection, the feeling of being left out? Why do we spend so much time wishing we would be invited and included? As women, we have a deep desire to be loved and a longing to be wanted.

A few of the comments that Lysa made when she was talking about rejection and feeling Uninvited in the interview rang true to my ears.
Feeling beautiful and experiencing a sense of being noticed and loved needs to come from God not man.
It does not make us feel beautiful when someone is physically present but emotionally absent.
At times we must be willing to actually feel the pain so we can heal the pain.

In my experience, when I have been rejected or betrayed in a relationship I remember………
Don’t hide from it.
Look into my deep places of pain and share my heart with God.
Brokenness is real so I should open my heart to the healing power of God’s love.
Find a trustworthy friend to listen to my story and ask for prayer.

We all experience rejection-how are we going to respond when we are uninvited?

When I have waited on the Lord for His direction in relationships and trusted Him to bring the people into my circle that will help me grow, I have been blessed with friends that bring a deep abiding sense of community, commitment and love. This kind of friendship is worth the wait.

Author Lysa TerKeurst offers encouragement and hope for those struggling with deep-seated rejection in a discussion based on her new book, Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely.

Click here for more information.

What do you do when you feel lonely and uninvited? Have you ever experienced the joy of deep friendship?

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