Deep Connection


At the end of the day I am usually exhausted.  My bandwidth for emotional connection or anything extra is usually run dry. Life with two toddlers is quite busy, especially those days where one is napping all day and I don’t get much of a break.  Today is not one of those days, that is why I actually get a chance to write.  So the ability to connect on a deep level with the Lord, with my husband, with friends,is not always the most appealing thing when all I want to do is binge on some netflix in my pajamas and eat some popcorn… But I have found that deep connection and meaningful conversation and investing in relationships is still so important. Even when you feel like you have nothing to give.  Usually those meaningful conversations and times of emotional connection end up filling you up.  So what can seem so daunting and like the last thing on the list can actually have the ability to give you energy and the capability to accomplish more, be more, and feel like a completely different person.  Connection speaks to our hearts, it speaks to our minds.  It draws us out of those places of complacency, of tiredness, of for lack of better words laziness.  It calls us to discover more of who we are, what makes us tick, what gives us energy, what fills us.  It makes you a better you. So why is it so hard to get there… You just got to do it.  Call a friend, even when you feel inundated with mom life and all you have to talk about is your kids.  Go out with some mom friends, even when you feel like your social skills are lacking due to toddler land and chaos.  Spend some time being a student of your husband, even when it is so much easier to side by side and watch some shows.  Sit still and be silent and listen, even when the to do list is long and the laundry is endless. Leave your phone out of sight, even when there are so many messages to catch up on.  Spend time in your kid’s world, even when it is time to get dinner on the table. Life can wait, and you will be a better you if you make time and space to connect, to be still, to listen, to share, to engage.  Connection leads to depth, it leads to growth, and it leads to more abundance.