
February is a perfect time to look over where you are invested.  What have you committed to? Have you committed to too little, too much, or just enough? Is your heart invested in those things? Or are you just going through the motions? Is it time to say no to something, is it time to recommit to something else? Think through all that you have going on in your life. How are you really doing… Has anyone asked you that question lately, and if so, were you able to honestly answer?

To recommit to something, you have to first understand what that initial commitment actually meant. What drew you to getting involved, diving in, taking part, and investing your time, talent, or treasure? It must have been something. Looking up the definition of commitment, I found this ” the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.; a pledge or undertaking”. Are you dedicated? Are you fully invested? Or do you have your fingers in a lot of different things?

If you have kids, how committed are you to your kids?  Do you love them, spend time with them, get to know them, engage in their lives? Do you remember that feeling on your wedding day when you made the commitment and covenant with your spouse? What did that commitment feel like? Or if you aren’t married, do you remember when you committed to a school and the excitement and energy that went towards that investment. It isn’t a commitment with your spouse, where you give 50% and expect him to give the other 50.  It is a 100%/100% commitment, so you can make the most of your investment.  When you commit to a school, you have to give it 100% to get the full experience.  Life is meant to live with commitments, investments, and ways to engage with people, and life and the world around you. What do your commitments look like?

Think through your priorities and commitments.  What do you need to recommit to?

First and foremost, I need to recommit daily to my God. I struggle with control. So often I find myself doing my own thing, without even realizing it. Then a day goes by, a week goes by, and I have this illusion that I am fully in control, when I am really not. Things have started to unravel.  So to recommit I am going to write in my journal (at least a little bit) every day. Secondly, I need to recommit to my spouse. Life shouldn’t become so routine that I do not daily live in the blessing of getting to do life with my husband.  It is all a gift. No better time than valentine’s day to think through this and be proactive about it! (My sister’s and I have been doing the Dating Divas 30 day love challenge which has been really fun to spoil my hubby). To recommit, I am going to set a date night where my husband and I can switch off planning dates. Third, I need to recommit to some relationships.  It is so easy for life to get in the way of the people that are the most important to me.  Whether that is calling a different person once a week, texting one person on the same day every week, sending actual letters in the mail, or anything to connect with a person, it makes a difference.  Relationships are so important.  I am going to recommit by writing a letter to a different person every week. Fourth, I need to recommit to health.  Sometimes I get in bad habits, routines, or ruts, and don’t do the best job at taking care of myself.  I want to take care of myself so I can fully enjoy the life I have been given. I am going to recommit by doing my best to not drink soda. And maybe I will sign up for a half marathon or something. (Still thinking about that one). Fifth, I want to recommit to prayer.  Prayer is so important, and I can never do it enough.  I want my life to be a constant conversation with the Lord and a continuous overflow of Jesus living in me.  And that starts with the foundation of love and prayer. To recommit to pray I am going to be more intentional about asking people how I can pray for them, and pray with them in that moment.  There’s plenty more, but I want to just stick to these today.

What can you recommit to? How will you be intentional and live out your RECOMMITTMENT?

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