Christmas Fabric Garland

Christmas crafts abound during the month of December. I used to make it a hobby to attend many different holiday craft boutiques to gather ideas for ornament making and for decorating our home during the holidays. Now you do not even need to leave your home because of awesome websites like Pinterest where the creative ideas are everywhere to be found. My daughter, Bethany, just hosted a cookie exchange and we decided to try our hands at making a fabric garland to decorate for the party. She found the idea on a Pinterest site and we modified it to meet our needs.IMG_5662

Here is how we made our fabric garland. We actually have enough fabric to make 5 garlands total so I will be making one for each of her sisters as well as one for my house.
Supplies needed…
Assortment of christmas fabrics-(I bought one yard of 5 different Christmas fabrics)IMG_5659
twine or rope
2 inch wide burlap ribbon
2 inch wide assortment of christmas colored ribbon (optional)
fabric scissorsIMG_5661

Cut selvages off fabric. Lay fabric out so that you are cutting or ripping the fabric into 2 inch strips lengthwise. We ripped 6 (36 inch length) strips of each fabric. We decided we wanted our garland strips to hang 18 inches so we needed each strip to be 36 inches long. For a longer garland you can cut or rip the fabric width-wise to whatever length you choose. You will have 5 piles of fabric with 6 (2 inch by 36 inch) strips in each pile.

Cut your burlap ribbon into 36 inch lengths. Cut any wide Christmassy ribbon you have chosen into 36 inch lengths.IMG_5701

Measure the area where you would like to hang your garland, remembering that it looks best to have it hang with a bit of a sag for a decorative effect. For hanging purposes, you will need a length of twine on each end of the garland so we added 1 yard on each side for flexibility in hanging. Therefore, add 2 yards to your original measurement of how long you want your garland. Cut your twine and tie a knot 1 yard from the end.

Fold over each fabric strip or burlap or ribbon and tie onto the twine with a loose slip knot. You can tie the fabrics in a random order or develop a pattern that you like. We did 2 fabric strips, one burlap with “Merry Christmas” written on it, then 4 fabric strips, then a thinner burlap strip and repeated this pattern until we reached the end of the length we had originally measure for our garland. IMG_5702IMG_5703IMG_5704Tie a knot at the end of the garland. Hang with push pins, or tie in place. You will have a lovely decoration to hang in your home for years to come.IMG_5668Have you tried a new craft project for this Christmas season?

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