
Do you feel inadequate? Do you feel unloved? Do you wonder where you belong?….

These are questions that many people struggle with, but few people admit. Our world screams at us that we are never enough, that we never have enough, and we will never be enough. So we get stuck. We get stuck in the in between of trying to be content with what we have and doing away with the noise that is telling us we need more. We hide our past hurts, struggles, and feelings and fill our time with stuff to cover it all up. Then there is a never ending cycle of feeling inadequate, insignificant, and out of place.

But there is one place where we always fit in.  There is one place where we are unconditionally loved. And there is one place where our significance always trumps any definition of success. That place is in the arms of our Father and Lord. Verse after verse throughout the Bible not only tells of God’s love, but shows God’s love. His love is not based on the things we have, it isn’t based on the job we get paid to do, it is not based on how many times we have screwed up.  His love is based on his heart. It is based on His truth.  And it is based on His freedom. People that choose to follow him are chosen and adopted. They are His sons and daughters. They can live in a living hope, trust in an imperishable promise, smile in a glorious joy, and love with deep sincerity (1 Peter 1:3,8,22). His people were chosen and set apart for so much more. God says his people are worth more than gold (1 Peter 1:7). His people are precious to him. They are special. They are significant. They are loved.

I believe all of this wholeheartedly. But it does not always feel like that. When things don’t go exactly as I picture, I wonder why.  When people get hurt and sick, I wonder why.  When things happen that don’t make sense, I wonder why.  And I ask God. I ask Him why? I ask Him how? I ask Him how long? But I keep believing. I keep trusting. Because in 1 Peter 6-7 it is written “You may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” With Christ there is purpose in the trial. He seeks to refine us, grow us, and purify us so that we may look more like Jesus. We just have to keep trusting. 1 Peter 1:24 says “All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field’ the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever”. There is power in his purpose.  He just asks us to take refuge in His arms, rest in His love, and live in His truth. Each one of His children has a special place in His heart. We are all one of his masterpieces.

“My Princess- You are my Masterpiece                                                                                               I love what I have created.  I am delighted in you. Don’t ever feel insecure about what you think you are not, because I made you in my image and your uniqueness is a gift from me.  I did not give you a life, My love, for you to squeeze into a man made mold. You are royalty, but you won’t discover that truth by gazing into a mirror. Let me be your mirror and I will reflect back to you your true beauty.  The more you gaze at Me, the more you will see My workmanship in you.  The sooner you see yourself for who you really are, the sooner you can begin your reign as my priceless princess with a purpose.  Love, your King and your Creator                              

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (From His Princess– Sheri Rose Shepherd)

Accept God’s love. Feel his embrace. Rest in his strong and secure arms around you. You are cherished. You are loved. You are a masterpiece.

Do you believe how much God loves you?                                                                                          ACTIVITY: Imagine God were writing you a love letter. Take some time to write out what God would say. Remember to see yourself how God sees you and enjoy the process.

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