
Toddler Smoothie

Smoothie to the Rescue!

Recently, my baby who would eat anything has quickly become a picky eating toddler. I am having the hardest time getting her to eat anything other than bread and cheese…Smoothie to the rescue!…

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Green Food Cubes

If you are looking for a quick an easy way to add more greens to your food, try “green food cubes!” I started using these food cubes in my toddler’s morning breakfast cereal. Recently, I have been adding them to smoothies and muffins.

Here is how you make them:

1. Assemble ingredients: liquids and greens. I use almond milk, kale, and spinach.


2. Stuff your blender to the brim with greens and then pour your liquid of choice on top.…

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Smoothies……breakfast of champions

Smoothies are a popular and trendy snack, sometimes a meal replacement and once in awhile an opportunity to sneak every conceivable healthy nutrient into a power packed breakfast for a hard working husband. I am not sure when our ritual began but our morning smoothies have become our “empty nesters” breakfast of champions. They have evolved from delicious and refreshing fruit drinks to our current “as long as my drink does not look GREEN you can put anything in it that is good for me” and that is how our creative healthy smoothie tradition began. I usually create as I go each morning but since I am trying to teach my girls and now you, as our followers, the “HOW TO” behind my creations, I decided to actually measure everything this morning. As I was carefully measuring out the first ingredient, the Acai juice, the carton tipped a bit and as I reached for it, I spilled Acai juice all over the kitchen, down the cupboards, on my feet and all over the floor. After I cleaned up the mess I proceeded to complete the measuring of each ingredient and here is the result….I use a Vitamix but a heavy duty blender will work as well.

This recipe makes 4 cups (enough for 2-3 people depending on serving size) so adjust according to your need.


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