Bucket List Board

Bucket Lists…What an amazing concept! A way to dream, be inspired to try new things, travel and learn about new cultures. But, here is a new twist to just writing a list!!



-Open Back Frame
-Chicken Wire
-Staple Gun
-Fun Paper Punch (Optional- I have and used the Marvy-Uchida 2″ x 3″ Merchandise Tag Clever Lever Craft Punch. And, it comes in all different shapes and sizes)
-Small Clothes Pins
-Colored Construction Paper or Patterned Scrapbook Paper
-Letter Stickers, Contact Paper, & Scotch Tape (Optional)
-Pens or Sharpies


Paper Punch
           (Picture taken from Hobby Lobby website)


1. Cut out your piece of chicken wire so that it will fall to the back edge of the open back frame.

2. Staple the chicken wire to the back of the frame.


3. Cut out your favorite colors or patterns of paper with your paper punch. The paper punch can be found at most craft stores including Richards (in the Bay Area), or Michael’s and Hobby Lobby which can be found all over the US. They will most likely be near the Scrapbooking sections.

4. Think of your bucket list items. Write them down on your pieces of paper and then clip them on your frame using your clothes pins. This will help you to have a visual and take action to fulfill those items on your list!!

5. (Optional) If you want to add a little something to your frame, you can put a title at the top or even inspirational words around it! For mine, I put the stickers on individual squares of white construction paper, covered each square with contact  paper, and then taped them on to the top of the frame to spell out BUCKET LIST. You can be creative and have fun with it!

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6. Once you fulfill certain items on your list, you can put the pieces of paper in a special box or even make a little scrapbook with pictures from each event! Always keep your board filled to inspire you to keep challenging yourself, traveling, and trying new things!

**I also think this idea would be great for a PRAYER BOARD! You are much more inclined to stop what you are doing throughout your day when you have a visual to remind you to pray for specific things and people! If the prayers are more private, you can keep the same instructions and use bigger pieces of paper that can be folded over. I love the idea of taking one a day and keeping it in my wallet or pocket to focus on a certain person or certain request each day!

Keep dreaming, be inspired by new things, and DO!! 🙂

What are your favorite bucket list ideas??

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