Blessing in Disguise

Sometimes we receive blessings in disguises, other times we give them.  But it is so cool when we realize how God orchestrates and plans out things.  I wrote this story down in my journal from a few years ago, and I wanted to share it with you. ” [Unnamed friend] was going through a hard week last week. A week ago she decided to skip something she is a part of and go to a mid week church service to take a breath from the chaos of life and  refresh her soul.  I had the night free so I chose to go with her.  The service was great, but it was what happened this past week that really showed us how AMAZING God is.  After the service we connected with a friend that she hadn’t seen in awhile.  It was real quick… didn’t think much of it. But that friend texted her the beginning of the week and asked if we were doing a women’s Bible study.  He had a friend that was looking for something to get involved in.  Perfect opportunity.  We just started our group a couple weeks ago.  She texted with the friend’s friend.  And that new friend  came Tuesday night and shared in our fellowship and community with one another.  And not only was she blessed, but she blessed all of us by her spirit and eagerness and willingness to open up a little.” A blessing in disguise…

We all know what it is like to be new in situations.  We all know how it feels to go into a situation with a little uneasiness and fear.  But what we don’t always recognize, is God is just waiting to blow our minds and provide for us in ways we can’t even imagine.  Too often we let our fear hold us back, too often we settle for less than God’s best, too often we miss the opportunity… But let others bless you, let God bless you, and in return you will be a blessing… God’s love is never ending, his power is limitless, and His wisdom is immeasurable.  I know that if I look back on my own life or even my past week I can see the blessings that may have been disguised.  I can see the way God worked something out for good.  I can see the footprints of Christ walking with me side by side.  

Now only if I lived that way every moment….
Can you think of a way you have been blessed that you may not have realized in the moment??

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