A Total Pillow Cover

So often those “made for TV” commercials bring a laugh to everyone in our family, but once in awhile, we find a “keeper” that everyone in our family loves! The Total Pillow is probably our favorite. The only drawback to the Total Pillow is that it is not washable. So this week, before my husband and I take off on a long airplane trip, I made a Total Pillow cover. I used a piece of stretchable fabric I had leftover from a long dress I hemmed for a friend. She let me keep the fabric because she knows I love to make new things out of old items I have around my house.

I folded a piece in half and put the Total Pillow in the middle and cut around the outside, leaving at least two inches extra. The fabric I used was extremely stretchy so it would stretch up and around the edges of the pillow when fastening the edges.mediumIMG_5755

I traced a circle in the middle and cut out a circle two inches smaller in diameter than the center of the pillow. Then I sewed a seam 1/2 inch from the sides of the inner circle.medIMG_5757

Next, then I turned the right sides out and placed the pillow on the bottom piece of the cover and pulled the other side through the center and up and over.medIMG_5756

The final step is to take 1 foot of double sided velcro and cut into eight 1 1/2 inch strips and pin around the outside of the Total Pillow cover evenly spaced around the pillow so that it will fasten and be a tight cover. Sew each piece of velcro to the cover, making sure you have the pieces pinned properly so that each velcro piece fastens so that the cover is soft and secure.

Once the velcro pieces are sewn in place, slip the pillow inside your cover and fasten the velcro all the way around. You now have a washable, removable Total Pillow cover. Off we go on our trip!!!
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I will take some pictures of our adventures with the Total Pillow in its comfy cover……
What is one of your favorite things to take with you when you travel?
What custom made item would you love to have to take with you traveling?

Kerry Signature48