A Fun Way to Practice Colors

My daughter (almost 2) loves practicing her colors. I have been trying to incorporate fun ways to practice during our regular activities and play time. Our favorite color activity right now is water balloons in the bath. Water balloons can be a lot of fun in the bath because you can play with them for a while before they pop.


Here are some different ways to practice:

1. I let Ellie tell me what color balloon she wants. Then I fill it up and toss it in the bath for her.

2. I say a color and ask Ellie to find that balloon.

3. I just let Ellie play with all the balloons and tell me the colors she picks up when she wants.

4. I say a color and have Ellie throw or toss that balloon to make a big splash.

5. At the end of bath time I let her choose the colors to pop.

Do you need more inspiration for incorporating color practice into your day? Here are some of my favorites:

1. Homemade Cornstarch and Water paint

2. Toddler Color Matching

3. Fill colored balloons with play dough. Fun to smoosh in your hands while you practice your colors.

4. Fill and ice cube tray with water and then put a few drops of food coloring in each cube. Freeze and then play with colors in the bath.

What are some creative ways you practice colors with your toddlers?