Great is Thy Faithfulness

How great is our God?  Do you see Him as the great God he is? Or do you put other things on the throne of you hear in His place? Thankfulness, the attitude of the heart, helps you reflect and resonate on God’s faithfulness because you focus on what God has done, where God has been in your life, and the worship of the true God.


The pilgrims, on their journey “in lean times as well as relatively plentiful—they gathered for prayer, meditation, the singing of hymns, and a sermon. It was their regular practice to stop and give thanks to God at the outset of each week. They did this despite hardships and heartache, and their faithfulness is a bright example for how we are to honor the Lord with our thanks in every season. ”

Are you able to reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness despite the current circumstance you are in? What do you do to center your heart and reflect on what God has done in your life?  He is GREAT. He is WORKING. And he LOVES you.

Spend some time thinking about what God has done in your life and thank Him for it.  Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for His faithfulness:

“Father, You have been so faithful to me over the course of my life, showing Your care and provision time and again. I’m so grateful for the way You have walked with me, sustained me, encouraged me, strengthened me, comforted me, and loved me in every season. Thank You!” (excerpts from Revive our Hearts: Gratitude Challenge)

Discover the you God created you to be. And see His fingerprints throughout your life. And thank Him for the path you have been on and the fact the GOD has been walking with you. Even when we stray, even when we doubt, even when we struggle, God is still there. We serve a big God that isn’t afraid of our struggles or our pain. He draws near to us with love, peace, and goodness. Rest in knowing that God is faithful.