5 Ways to Reorganize Your Life for a New School Year

The new school year is upon us and is coming fast – or for some…has already started!! For those of you who still have some time, here are 5 ways to get reorganized after a busy summer to be ready for the new school year! And, if you have already started, get on these tips before your new schedule gets too busy and hectic!

1. Buy a Planner!

A planner will really help you stay organized with appointments, lunch dates, kids sports practices, church events, etc.

My favorite places to get planners are Target, The Container Store, and Barnes & Noble. Each of these stores has all different types and sizes to find exactly what you need. Amazon is also a great place to look for different styles of planners!

I would also recommend getting your kids their own planners. I used a planner from a young age for school and it helped me immensely stay organized and on top of all my school tasks and homework. I definitely would not have been as successful at school without a planner! I always liked having a larger size planner for school to have plenty of room to write down all my assignments and upcoming tests. This one is fun, too, because you can personalize the front with a name, pictures and other stickers! (Laminate with contact paper once finished)

2. Go through clothes that don’t fit OR sell or donate clothes that are tired/won’t wear anymore to make room for some new school year clothes shopping!

It was always fun to get a new first day of school outfit or a few new staples for a new year of school. Having a special day to go shopping can be a great incentive to clear some space in your kids closet! And, depending on how much your child has grown throughout the summer, there may be more that doesn’t fit than you realize.

Do this early so that everyone can start the new year with a clean room and closet that aren’t overflowing with clothes that don’t fit or won’t be worn throughout the year.

3. Re-check school supply lists – Do any last minute shopping ASAP to avoid crowds!

It is important to start the year showing that you are on top of things. Having everything on the school supply list will help everyone feel more prepared and will help you avoid doing late night Target runs for the supplies that were forgotten.

This was always one of my favorite items to check off the list!

4. Organize your school supplies at home – Anything old, dried out, multiple sets or not full sets donate or throw away!

Now that we girls are all out of school, I know my mom looks back and wishes that we had done this each year so that she wasn’t stuck now with bins of broken crayons and boxes of not-full pen packs.

Or, do a fun, creative craft with old supplies.


Most years you end up buying new supplies of items that you have at home that begin to stock pile year after year. Taking the time to go through your supplies gives you the opportunity to donate nice items to those in need and clear more space to organize what you have at home before the start of a new year.

5. Schedule Weekly Family Time

Scheduled family time is so important – especially throughout the school year. Each member of the family has so many different commitments that it can be difficult to get everyone together. But, make the time important and stick to it! It will be worth it! Whether it is a Sunday night dinner and game night or a weekly outing or something different each week, make the effort because those times and conversations and memories will make more of an impact than you know!

What tips would you add to the list to get organized for a new school year?

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