Helpful Reminders

I have a serious memory problem. If I don’t write something down the second I think of it, it is gone. Sometimes forever, other times it will randomly come back to me – usually when I’m trying to fall asleep.

It seems at this stage of my life that I am totally incapable of remembering anything that isn’t written down. Although I think technology is helpful in this respect, I’ll admit that I still like the old fashioned “to do” list that I can physically write, see, and cross off. Maybe I just haven’t found the right app.

I utilize my iphone calendar, which I find really helpful. I also downloaded a new app called, “Yelling Mom.” It boasts that it is “the easiest and most effective reminder app.” Now I just need to have my phone remind me to learn how to use it.

What apps do you find helpful for remembering your appointments and “to do’s?”

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